
Short film - 2023

Dir: Didi Cederström

Writers: Didi Cederström and Molly Wagner

D.o.P: Tamás Apor Méder

Lon-Sto Films

IMDB (W0)Men

Two women find themselves at a crossroads one fateful evening. Intrigued by a mysterious pill with extravagant claims, they decide to test their boundaries and are unwittingly imbued with the traits of toxic masculinity for 12 hours, as they take on the enigmatic essence of "Big Dick Energy"

The concept

(W0)men is a brilliant comedy, had a great idea, a really funny script but we have to work with a tight budget.

To bring this script to life, was important to be very savvy and, in a great collaboration with Tamas- the D.o.P- we decided to keep the naturalism in the “sober” scenes to have a real contrast when the women gone wild, on drugs. 

As the different moments were just  a psychological perception, we kept the sets in neutral colours,  almost boring, using  the palette only in details. Meanwhile we’re able to  exploring it more strongly in the the contrasting lights for the psychedelic moments. 


Truth Serum


The Passing